In September 2011, a Bonus XP Weekend was announced and players began selling maple logs, since demand was anticipated. This sudden decrease of supply increased the price of maple logs to over 90 coins.

The 1st February 2011 free trade update caused the amount of bots to increase, in turn causing the efficiency of gathering logs to decrease per player. There is an underlying demand for unstrung maple longbows, as they still have some training value. The logs in turn suffered a fall to 28 coins. The unstrung longbows were worth 144 coins each, but after the shop update, they fell to 64 coins each. They would then be widely traded as junk with other players, along with other unwanted fletching products. Before, players would buy maples at around 36 - 42 coins each and fletch them into unstrung maple longbows. With the 2 September 2009 personalised shop update, minimum price limits on many items including unstrung maple longbows were removed. This massive oversupply caused maple logs to drop to the low price of under 50 coins each. When the Grand Exchange was introduced, there was an influx of hundreds of thousands of maple logs obtained from Miscellania that were all thrust into the market at once. Prior to the release of the Grand Exchange, maple logs had a street price of about 100 coins each. Compared to Acadia logs, frequently used for the same purpose, they are cost effective while giving reasonable parts per hour. Maple logs are frequently disassembled for Simple parts, necessary for making Divine charges. Doing this at current prices would yield a net worth change of −512 coins per maple shieldbow.

Some players will occasionally alchemise the outputs from fletching maple logs. Maple logs serve a use in the Divination skill where they can be transmuted into yew logs. Maple logs may be used for Mobilising Armies, giving 17 Investment Credits each. This uses about 96,096 logs or less if practised on bonfires. Because of their low price and the moderate experience they provide, maple logs are commonly used for training Firemaking, where one can spend about 10,378,368 coins to get from level 45 to 99 Firemaking.

Maple logs can also be used to make pyre ships and pyre logs. Burning maple logs in this fashion gives the same Firemaking experience as burning maple logs with a tinderbox. Maple logs can be burned using Barbarian Firemaking but level 65 Firemaking is required to use this method. Maple log fires stay lit for 3.5 minutes, regardless of the amount of logs added. Maple logs can be burned by all players using the Firemaking skill, giving 135 experience at level 45 Firemaking and scaling up to 175 experience on a 5-person bonfire at level 99. Adding a mithril limb to a maple stock grants 64 experience, and makes an unstrung mithril crossbow.

Stringing the bows with a bowstring gives the same amount of experience as making them. Unstrung shieldbows can be made at level 55, giving 58.3 experience per bow. Maple stocks can be made at level 54, for 32 experience. Unstrung shortbows can be made at 50 Fletching, giving 50 experience per bow. Using the Fletching skill allows players to turn maple logs into Ranged weapons.