Mahoutokoro school of magic houses
Mahoutokoro school of magic houses

As such, they may be more adventurous than most other students in Mahoutokoro. They however can be a bit unruly as they tend to be ruled by these passions. Students in this house have a fiery passion rivalled only by the being that resides in the house. House Color: White House Mascot: White Tiger xx ▇▇▇ Suzaku: x Represents Summer and Fire, this being is probably representative of nobility and elegance. They are unafraid of pursuing a goal until it is completed, and also the most virtuous, as only the white tiger appears when a ruler is virtuous or there is peace in the world.

mahoutokoro school of magic houses

Thouse in this house happen to have a bit of a temper rivalled only by those in Seiryu, but also have a compassionate nature.

mahoutokoro school of magic houses

The being in charge of this house represents plenty and hard work.

mahoutokoro school of magic houses

House Color: Black House Mascot: Black Tortoise xx ▇▇▇ Byakko: x Represents Fall and Metal. They also happen to be slow to anger, and are more interested in protection of a sort as opposed to the others. Students in this house happen to have foresight and intellect, and tend to look at the whole picture as opposed to only parts. Xx▇▇▇ Genbu: x Represents winter and water, this being represents the wisdom and caution of the house it inhabits. The G.A.M.I., or Graduate Assessment of Magical Individuals, are the final exams taken by seventh year students, similar to the N.E.W.T exams offered in the UK. or Ordeal of National Initiates, is the equivalent of the United Kingdom's O.W.L exams which are taken by students in their fifth year. Students of this school prized wands made out of cherry wood, and those who owned them were held in a place of high honour." Mahoutokoro has the reputation to have an impressive academic prowess.


Any student who betrays the Japanese wizard's code or practice Dark Arts would result in their uniform turning white, which is a huge disgrace and the student in question will be immediately expelled. If the wearer receives top grades all the school subjects, their robes will turn gold. When students start off at the school they are given robes that grow as they grow and change colour as the wearer gains experience, with pink as the begining color. While day students, wizarding children were flown back and forth to their homes every day on the backs of a flock of giant storm petrels. The school took students from the age of seven, although they did not board until they were eleven. Every member of the Japanese Quidditch team and the current Champion's League winners (the Toyohashi Tengu) attributes their prowess to the gruelling training they were given at Mahoutokoro, where they practise over a sometimes turbulent sea in stormy conditions, forced to keep an eye out not only for the Bludgers but also for planes from the Muggle airbase on a neighbouring island. Rescued by a party of wizarding staff from Mahoutokoro, who had been observing the movements of the planets, they remained as guests long enough to teach their Japanese counterparts the rudiments of the game, a move they lived to regret. Quidditch was introduced to Japan and to Mahoutokoro centuries ago by a band of foolhardy Hogwarts students who were blown off course during an attempt to circumnavigate the globe on wholly inadequate broomsticks. Mahoutokoro is possibly one of the oldest wizarding schools, as it is described as "ancient". Both island and palace are thought to be uninhabited by Muggles. Described as an ornate and exquisite palace, it resembles a pagoda or a shiro made of Nephrite, or "mutton-fat jade", a translucent white stone. It has the smallest student body of the wizarding schools.

mahoutokoro school of magic houses

"Mahoutokoro (Japanese: 魔法所, Mahōtokoro) is the Japanese wizarding school, located on the topmost point of the Volcanic island of Minami Iwo Jima.

Mahoutokoro school of magic houses