The building should also be made of sturdy material as concrete or brick, in order to prevent collapse from high winds.
So, in preparation for this natural disaster one would be sure to have multiple safe places in the building in which the classes could go to seek safety, these areas should be free of windows or doors to the outside. In the case of tornadoes they cause debris to fly around uncontrollably and may maim or kill teachers or even children. Tornadoes are extremely unpredictable and dangerous so it is always important to have a plan of action ready for the center to follow. Where I live we have to be prepared for tornadoes. When preparing emergency action plans, it is important to cover all bases but also to be sure to use specifics when it comes to what is most likely where you live.

Consistency is important for all children because as they grow and develop their thoughts about different foods can change as well. Preschoolers should not be forced to eat certain foods because it could ruin the food for them forever, instead I would just provide the food for them often and eventually they will try it again, and again and eventually come around to being able to at least tolerate the food.

Small portions and many varieties are what I would recommend so the child can experience what they like and do not like. When cooking for preschoolers it is important to use many colors and textures to keep the preschoolers engaged and make them want to explore the foods on their plates. So they should also only have access to proper foods that will fuel their bodies. Although, preschoolers can be more easily taught about proper nutrition and the types of foods they should eat, they can also only eat quickly because they are so active and end up eating food that might not be the best. They will enjoy preparation and helping choose foods. Preschoolers can be difficult they often become more picky and finicky eaters. Toddlers are learning and growing very quickly so they need good nutrition to help their bodies go through all the changes and develop properly. Toddlers can easily become accustomed to unhealthy snacks, so it is best to keep bad foods away from them or make it a very rare occurrence. It would be a great way to start out the day and begin the child’s learning for the day. I think toddlers (and preschool children even) should be able to help prepare one meal a day lunch is normally the best for this, even if you prepare it the night before or in the morning before the child goes to daycare or preschool. Toddlers like to help prepare foods, so if they have a choice of processed or fresh, they will most likely choose fresh because they will be able to help. I will provide a great recipe later on for this. Sauces are not great but you can make the most by choosing healthy sauces and making your own.

Some toddlers, mine was included, prefer a dipping sauce in order to enjoy the different tastes of the vegetables. Most vegetables and fruits, if fresh, can be self-feed foods for toddlers, chunks of pineapple, squash, or a dry salad can be provided. While for some foods an adult’s help might be needed the toddlers should also have foods available to them that they can manage on their own. Most toddlers can feed themselves in some way and should be allowed to. Toddlers can be fun to educate about food, their need for independence and curiosity help to keep them interested in different types of foods and different ways of preparation. Imagination is important when trying to keep young children active, adults must also be willing to participate as well because children love to have adults work with them. The child would have to run to the wall, see if they can get the object to sit or stick properly and then run back before time is up. Another good one is a sort of obstacle course, age appropriate of course, using big boxes, couch cushions, pretty much anything you can think of- this one can also be done inside which is always a plus! Adults may also keep children developing properly, by allowing children to use their fine motor skills as well as gross motor skills, a way to combine the two would be to have a sticker or small bean bag that has to be stuck or sat in the perfect spot on a wall in a certain amount of time. The bigger the crowd and the bigger the circle and space for playing, the more activity exerted. Duck-duck-goose, is always a big hit, I actually recently played this with my husband, myself, our three year old son, and three cousins (ages 6, 8, and 10), we all had a blast. Adults can help to keep children active in some of the same ways that our teachers kept us active.